Monday, February 27, 2017

ABWE Doesn't Send Missionairies

ABWE is a great mission agency that prepares missionaries for service around the globe.  They don't, however, SEND missionaries around the globe; Biblically, a local church is the one who sends missionaries.  Westerly Hills Baptist Church is our sending church, and ABWE is preparing us for ministry in Mexico.  Click on the picture of the plane to read an article describing how important it is to have a sending church.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Love Week Day Five - Our Prayer Partners

We have said over and over again, finances provide the needs to minister, team-builders provide connections, but prayer provides power.  The work God will have us do in Mexico will produce nothing without the power of God behind it.  We are thankful for our prayer partners.  We have prayer partners who write us a note every month to let us know they are praying for us.  We cannot tell you how much we appreciate these prayers for our family and the ministry to which God has called us to go.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Love Week Day Four - Our Team Builder Partners

We have individuals who have partnered with us through team-building.  They have contacted their churches, small groups, Bible studies, schools, and friends to help us make connections with people who want to know more about how God is leading our family.  We are grateful for their leading us to new people.  We have met some tremendous servants of Christ through their relationships.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Love Week Day Three - Our Financial Partners

God has brought 85 (so far) monthly financial partners alongside us to further His kingdom through Powley Journey ministry:
  • Seven churches
  • Two businesses
  • Four small groups
  • 72 Individuals/Couples
Our individual partners come from all walks of life and from all different circumstances.  We have partners from nine different states and two countries.  We have widows and widowers, single individuals, families, and couples. They all, however, have one thing in common:  a heart to see the message of Christ spread.

He has brought countless partners who have given to our Outfit & Passage, not only through their personal gifts but also through their talents and time.  We've had two church members organize fundraisers for our O&P over the past year, and we have a church in our community who is organizing another barbecue fundraiser on March 31 for our journey.  Seeing God use people's talents and hobbies to further His ministry has been really encouraging.   

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Love Week Day Two - Our Parents

Both of our parents, along with Melanie's grandmother, have been instrumental in our journey.  They have provided childcare, meals and housing during training and meetings; bathed us in prayer and encouragement; and have served as some of our most enthusiastic team builders. We are so thankful for their involvement and support as we walk down this road.  Even though they know our moving means less time with them (and the grandkids), they also have reminded us that this is what they taught us and prayed for us: to love the Lord with all of our hearts and to serve Him with all of our days.  We are thankful for godly parents who gave us an example to follow.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Love Week Day One - Our Coaches

This journey we are on to become full-time, career missionaries is no walk in the park.  There is a great amount of accountability and paperwork.  Every week, we report to a partnership development coach, a personal accountability partner, and our Director of Pre-Field Ministries at ABWE headquarters via phone, electronic reporting, or video conferencing.  We complete monthly and annual ministry reports, as well as provide progress reports as we complete our reading and course assignments.  Our course assignments have included: Old and New Testament Survey, Missional Theology, Methods of Bible Study, Child Safety Training and Personal Safety Training.  We are thankful they take our physical preparation and our spiritual health seriously.