Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Countdown to departure!

We are coming down the home stretch!  There are two checkpoints left before we can leave:  (1) our final training at the end of April and (2) 100% of our minimum monthly requirement registered.

Three prayer requests in our last newsletter were to (1) have 85% monthly support registered by April 10 so we can attend Field Prep Seminar, (2) reach 100% of our minimum monthly requirement to leave in August, and (3) for our children during this transition.

To God be the Glory!!!  We are excited to let you know that:
  1. We have officially received our invitation to attend Field Prep in PA, April 24-May 4.  
  2. 93% monthly commitment is registered!!  With our verbal commitments bringing us to 98%, we only have $200 left to go! 
  3. Our children are getting excited about the move.  Emily keeps asking when we're going to Mexico, and Ethan is already planning how he can best pack to temporarily live in Costa Rica.  When I told him we were going to Field Prep and had reached 93% this week, he just replied, "WOOOOOO HOOOOO!" This is such a huge change of heart.  Thank you for your prayers!
Please continue to pray as we attend our final training and make final preparations.  We are praying and planning in faith to leave the last week of August.